A Slave of Love
I've died and resurrected
countless times in the
name of love
Painfully swallowed my
pride so that I could have
Have all that which I asked
from above
Today am axed,Tomorrow
I ask;
Love!why do you do this to
me?Is it your task?
Why hadn't i seen that all
along you were in a mask?
You cowardly aroused the
love in me
Yet the best of us was never
to be
Better still for you,you are
What happened?I thought
we'd agree
Now you're gone,leaving
me prone
Please don't ignore me,pick
up the phone
Lately sleep and I are
My pillow soaks in the tears
of this danger
Please i need a ranger,this
love is stanger
My tears are soon losing
taste,Yes!It's my food of late
I'd never imagined this as
To this date since you
left,I'm only filled with hate
Let me be your love slave
Let these tears drown me
in my dismay
Hey,the day I cease being
stupid of love is coming
And as I lay in my
grave,don't shed a single
Don't even fear or put a
meer smear of fragrance
on my grave
Because from the world of
the dead I'll hear every
footstep you make towards