A Spring Afternoon In the Northeast of the Usa
In New York, New Jersey, one can really feel a change
In the climate: the coming of spring, a new season.
The sun is shining more; the days are longer for a good reason.
The trees slowly start blooming; one feels a little strange,
Witnessing the pirouettes of the giant flies in the air.
It is like a circus, the birds are singing, the bees buzzing,
And the spiders doing their acrobatic moves. The toddlers dare
To leave their heavy jackets or coats indoor. Spring, spring,
Sweet spring is here. It is a spectacular show of luscious flowers.
The neighbors are mowing their lawns, so the April showers
Can wash away the salt and the frost off the grass.
There are more visitors in the parks and the elders return to mass.
Spring is a florally joyful season in the northeastern states.
There is a picnic in the park this afternoon; bring your plates,
And your cups. We’re going to have a blast; we’re going to have fun.
Spring is in the air, let‘s enjoy the cool rays of the sun.
Copyright April 1st, 2013, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several poetry books.