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Written by: Jim Yerman


Love is not blind but because of it’s unpredictability and it’s elusiveness
It can, at times, be a little difficult to see.
Other times, however, it is as palpable as can be
We can feel it in our heart, in our mind, in our body…and it is obvious to see.

An old story I bring to you today and using the criteria from above
See if you can tell the exact moment it becomes a story of love…

Mary and Johnny were sister and brother. 
Mary was sick and the doctors came to the conclusion…
the only thing that would save her life…would be a blood transfusion.

Since his blood was a match the doctor approached Johnny saying,
“Johnny, I know this is a little scary…but in order to save your sister…
would you give your blood to Mary?”

Johnny hesitated for a moment whispering to himself, “I know it will be scary.”
then he sighed and said, “Yes, doctor…I will give my blood to Mary.”

As the nurse inserted the needle into Johnny’s arm he whispered to himself,
“This is when it gets a little scary.”
only to feel his fear subside knowing he was helping Mary.

After a little while the doctor noticed a tear form in Johnny’s eye…
when he asked Johnny what was wrong 
Johnny answered, “Doctor, when exactly will I die?”

The doctor leaned over…and with a tear in his eye…
He said, Johnny you don’t have to worry…you’re not going to die.”

“Because you gave some of your blood to Mary…you both are going to live!”
But no-one in the room that day will ever forget…the gift Johnny was willing to give.

I believe we could all use more stories of love in our life…
Not only for the warm feeling in our hearts these stories create…
But also…when a heart is filled with love…
there is no room in there for hate.