Love Poem: a sultry eve -

a sultry eve -

dinner out ...
a cozy booth at our favorite Japanese steak house
we had finished all but our apertifs
I took her hand, held it palm-up

tracing soft circles there with my index finger
"read this" I said, pretending to write a sexy phrase in her hand in cursive
"I didn't get it," she replied. "do it again"
this time she got it, inhaling deeply and letting out a squeaky sigh

"how can you do that to me ... just by touching my hand?!?"
I looked at her, feigning a quizzical expression
"do WHAT to you??" I pretended, (cat-and-mouse)
she pulled back a bit, squinting, a 'you can't fool me' look on her face

taking my hand, she slowly moved it below the table
tenderly placing it where no one could see
where it was ... very warm
very warm and ...

I gazed at her and smiled
she smiled back coyly, eyes twinkling intensely
"check please!" we cried in unison
giggling our way to the door.