A Summer Dalliance
Oh, it was a beautiful cloudless sunny day,
as I wandered a meadow to make a bouquet;
all about butterflies were dancing a ballet,
and I was dazzled by the song of a blue jay !
To a rippling stream I went on hearing a song,
and there a man sang a tune beautiful and strong;
his heavenly voice mingled with each wild birdsong,
and I stayed with him just talking all that daylong !
It would be a summer dalliance dulcet sweet,
his ethereal kisses made me overheat;
on gossamer threads I floated to our heartbeat,
we were on a labyrinthine path bittersweet !
On the last day we found a lagoon secluded;
and wept murmurous whispers of love concluded !
May 5, 2021
Poetry/Sonnet/A Summer Dalliance
Copyright Protected, ID 05-1352-721-05
All Rights Reserved, 2021, Constance La France
Written for the Standard contest, Summer Love Sonnet
sponsor, John Hamilton, Judged 05/24/2021
Third Place