Love Poem: A Tale of Love
Ron VanHooser Avatar
Written by: Ron VanHooser

A Tale of Love

A little sunbeam and a raindrop 
came together one day 
and developed some feelings 
that would not wash away. 

They danced through the Heavens 
and hid behind clouds 
for the feelings they had 
would not be allowed. 

Discovery came faster 
then they wanted it to 
and forces behind them 
disrupted the two. 

The sun and the raincloud 
met and agreed . 
They must split up, 
this never could be. 

The sunbeam and raindrop 
both disagreed 
and snuck back together 
when both were set free. 

But, all was forgiven 
by the sun and the cloud, 
when they saw the beauty 
of what both had endowed. 

The sunbeam and raindrop 
could now join as one 
and their love of each other 
showed everyone. 

Whenever it's rainy 
and the sun peaks through. 
The power of their love 
is plainly in view. 

A beautiful rainbow 
appears in the sky, 
with glorious colors 
that catch everyone's eye. 

Because of a Love 
that could not be denied 
a radiant rainbow 
embraces the sky!