Love Poem: A Taste of Honey
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Written by: Brian Johnston

A Taste of Honey

Just a stem pulled from honeysuckle's bloom, but
it's glistening passenger sparkles, like a tear
of joy on seeing an old love unexpectedly,
with a sweetness that's stirred once more.
Oh, such experiences newly cut old vinyl records,
and add indelible grooves to human souls.

I'm sure you knew that tear as well, transported
again for one brief moment to our lost garden, 
(that felt like Eden reborn to young lovers),
buzzing impatiently, jazzed at real-life beginnings,
eternity found again in an unexpected shower, and
the smell of wet hair under a cloud-stained sky!

But the future caught up. And lost in its mist
you disappear again, a reticent rainbow,
a colorful promise that once touched solid ground.
Old forms wink out now like stars in new days light.
And yet this darkling world remains the one where
I once tasted the honeyed edges of your smile.

Brian Johnston
April 21,  2018