Love Poem: A Terrible Aspect

A Terrible Aspect

Whoever has not love'd a "love" at first sight,
Will face the anguish of unrequited love with might,
His heart may wrench and cry all night, 
To know, one must surrender in love or fight.

When the lover's eye starts to neglect,
Beyond a point, love itself is a terrible aspect,
Even if you cry and yell, or if you reflect,
Your pain, to those, gathers no effect,

To all who fall in love, their love is true,
And the rest of the dupes cannot see a clue,
They don't love, nor do they woo,
And lovers drunk in deep, sit pensive blue,

Love itself is a disease with no cure, a dire thing.
Heart overburdened and encumbered by sting,
In response, they humiliate and refuse to bring
Any smile to lovers who are like angels without wings.

As a result, love appears as a black fire.
The more you fall, the deeper you sink into the mire.
My anguish will follow you until you die.
For every sigh or breath until you cry. 

Written By
Muhammad Shahid Hussain ©