A Travelers Walk
A Traveler Walk, Is it that of a traveler we walk, that of the road we take. It is that of
the dust of our feet, it is that to which we walk and breathe. It is that of higher love
but that of a hearts love. Is it not that to which brings us love, that of a soul that
gives us love. Through a canyon a wolf howls, does it not reach that of the
highest terrains? Does not all stand and take notice of that rein! For which is it
that we cry not from the eye's, for he had said there was joyful rides. It is from the
heart it flows as you have put me on this ride. As I stand proud of the path I walk
this day. That it will lead me straight to you without stray. Like a breeze that floats
so does my heart for you. But just as the seasons roll on so will my belief in you.
That one day we may blow that breeze right on through on become that of a
stronger bond. For I have found much more than anything life has to offer, I found
love of the heart and knowing you was there. So I'll journey down life's road of
travel knowing each day I had found one true in life and a blessing to have been
abided. That we share and cherish that moment of a traveler when they go by.
That it may not be that person inside it could be Jesus coming through from with
inside. That the heart is love and the soul is living for it has found the most of the
high giving. It has found that of God's love in the giving when he put you in my life
on that path of mercy and grace in the making. He has given me the highest thing
in life and that was knowing you and you’re giving. God bless and Goodnight
from that of a traveler walks.