A Treasured Collection
I look for you all the time, and find you in my thoughts.
I think of our years together, and find you in my memories.
I often discover you close-up, on the outskirts of my mind.
But revelations of you in such domains are limited at best.
Not quite satisfied, I continue my search for the deeper you.
At last, a beautiful portrait appears in a most treasured book.
There were numerous poses of you, all so breathtakingly beautiful. So beautiful, that it was very challenging to produce a complete set.
The words accompanying the poses were so distinctive and impeccable. I could not choose them all; so I selected the number of completion.
Yes, I chose seven poses of you from those treasured pages.
The first was a standing pose of one filled with capability.
I beheld a stunning portrait of a very prudent investor.
I was struck by the sight of one so strikingly confident.
There was a sitting pose of an intelligent business woman.
There was the dignified lady glowing in energy and strength.
Like magnet, I was drawn toward the pose of a God fearing woman. Lastly, I beheld one so indelibly deserving of appreciation and respect.
12052015 Bible: Proverbs 31