A Tribute To Our Great Friend
A Tribute
to Our Great Friend
Sister Jeanne Stephens
Written: by Miracle Man
October 29, 2019
In your deteriorating years your intellect is undeterred,
You’re a veritable lady in every sense of the word.
Your concern for others is a message that you send,
It leaves us feeling blessed having you for a friend.
You’re an assertive lady who requires no defense,
Making our friendship special with no need for pretense.
God occasioned our paths to intertwine one day,
Now we remember each other when we kneel to pray.
Some perhaps might think that in your ways you’re set,
But with you sister Jeanne, what we see is what we get.
“Candor is a compliment; it implies equality.
It’s how true friends talk”
Peggy Noonan