Love Poem: A Twilight Robbery- Pick a Line and Like a Hooked Fish Run with it
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Written by: Valsa George

A Twilight Robbery- Pick a Line and Like a Hooked Fish Run with it

Line of Inquiry
“I wasn’t sure what it was he said but it meant a lot to me.”

When there was still daylight lingering,
And the wind was upon the leaves,
And every leaf trembled at its touch,
On my balcony, I lazily sat.

My mind strayed like a vagabond,
Through the strange terrains of dreams,
Never settling anywhere, 
Hovering over myriad things.

I was on the fringe of another world,
Idly watching the shadows chasing the light,
And the autumn clouds scurrying past ,
In endless quest across the sky.

Feeling the breath of passing breeze 
I wasn’t sure how long I sat there,
In my trance, did I hear a grating sound?
Yes, a shut window opened somewhere near.
It was in the house opposite to mine. 
In dim light, I saw a masculine figure behind the veil
A panther crouching under the foliage of a forest!
On that golden dusk, his eyes gleamed,
Sending out piercing shafts. 
His eyes had the shine of a thousand stars
And in an instant, they got locked in mine

I don’t know what made me take my violin.
As I moved my fingers on its strings,
From it, flowed a sweet song of love.
I saw him rising slowly from where he sat
And coming closer, he parted the curtain
And smiled at me a gentle seductive smile.
From his sealed lips, some words escaped
As if proclaiming aloud- ‘I love you’!
I didn’t hear what he said, yet it meant so much to me.

I fell into a swoon, knew a sweet sensation
Creeping into me, drowning me inch by inch
We were so close, only eyelids away
And how I wished to be meshed into him! 
I knew that in the depths of my sentient heart,
He made his permanent residence!

For long I carried the memory, 
Of his passionate glance, seductive smile and sweet words,
Thrown across to me from an open window,
On a mild windy night of song, silence and shadows.
Again and again, it awakened in me,
A wistful longing, I hardly could resist,
Until it became a picture frozen in time.

On that gathering dusk lit in golden glow
Did he rob me in secret and carry me unawares,
On the languid wings of his honeyed words?
Or when he broke open that window,
Did he break open my heart too,
And enter it unbidden?