A Valentine's Song - a Collaboration With Heidi - Valentine's Collection
(Valentine's Collection)
Come, my beloved, and sing now with me,
a song of desire into Luna's grace.
A Valentine song, love shall ever be,
when we stand together in love's embrace.
Come, my beloved, in dance steps of time,
moving with the melody our hearts sing.
Oh, sweet Valentine, together we rhyme,
united by our love, everlasting.
Oh, praise divine, our passion is flowing,
a river that flows into love's own sea.
Your heart is a bright star, ever glowing,
now you are love's song when you stand with me.
As Luna pulls us closer with the tide,
we rest with a halo shining above.
Our souls move with water, you are my guide,
In our Valentine's song, singing our love.
Oh, heart divine, in thy wonder singing,
lead me to your arms in the midst of night.
Through Luna's skies, we both shall be winging,
within your tender heart, I find delight.
Come, my beloved, where all the stars shine.
I will hold you in the flight of our dreams.
For your delight in heart, is also mine,
Spreading love's song in this dance of moonbeams.
"A Valentine's Song."
A Collaboration By,
Heidi Sands.
Michael .P. Clarke.
Heidi, thank you for sharing ink with me on this wonderful write. It has been an honour and a pleasure to work on this collaboration with you. You have made it an easy and enjoyable process. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs....Mike. XX