A Void Dance
It’s medicinal,
Matters of the heart,
Once felt,
Can risk being torn apart.
Left forsaken,
This soul of mine,
Where has it been taken?
Wish I could awaken,
I used to dream,
One day it’ll be me,
Fortitude has forgotten me,
Begotten not devotion,
But constant misfortune
Considering they all flee,
Or use me,
Yearning in abandonment
Left to question
Will it ever be me?
Concealed in self-reliance,
Feigned in self love,
This long awaited arrival,
Drowns me in suspicion.
More like skepticism,
Maybe I should give up?
Instinctually I hear this voice,
Time upon time telling me to
‘Stay the course’,
Though it feeds me none,
I strive to carry on,
Neglecting any oncoming negative,
Disarming the pain
Avoiding lingering on and disheartened,
Or even stoned by some.
When you’re alone in company,
Don’t be fooled by the stars,
Stellar remnants cold to the core
Seem to associate amongst the clusters
Often the brightest ones
Start small
create their own diversion
from matters of the heart,
be it a supernova or a black hole sun.