Love Poem: A Wave of Reverence
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Written by: Ashvika Jain

A Wave of Reverence

You are a warm cup of coffee
on a cold winter day.
Darkness, an abyss, the repudiated banned;
I'd rather suffocate in your shadows
than paddle in someone else's light.

You are a misinterpreted parsnip,
and I, the farmer in the fall.
Utopia in your eyes,
my pulsing heart bears your dawn,
and your name is ingrained in my mind.

My vigour of love nor the reasons metamorphose;
Our souls are entangled,
burgeoning the yarn loved by a cat.
Love is a disease; I am the patient
lingering for it eagerly.

I treasure you against all logic,
against all the sin in the world.
I can only solve the enigma with you.
When we are apart, I miss you
like the stars miss the sun at night.

There is a prodigious world seen in your eyes.
I am jealous of the mirror that sees you daily,
envious of the cozy blanket that envelops you.
Men squabble and crucify; even if I forfeit,
I will be the phoenix rising from the ashes for you.