A Whisper Leads Me
In whispers, I hear a transcending voice, flowing through me
like a peaceful river as it bubbles over the fins of every fish
below. I am washed in its warmth as I walk down a dirt road
leading me back to a lonely place called nowhere. The hushed voice
resonates, lightly touching my heart. It is gentler than a butterfly landing
on an oleander petal and more tender than a sleepy feline’s purr. Like a
hummingbird’s wings in flight, the voice is soft yet strong, a sound in
constant motion coasting down from the hills and rising from the dusty road
into my soul. As I slowly step forward, the voice stays with me, encouraging
me to keep moving. I can almost feel the gentle pull of another hand in mine.
Then, as I look ahead, my path transforms from dirt to shimmering gold.
In awe, I lift my eyes to treetops that reach a cloudless sky with sparkling
leaves draped like garland across the horizon. Distant laughter whispers
in sounds of joy, and stars align before me in streams of glorious sunlight.
Serenity fills my every cell, and the loving voice of a father whispers to me,
“You are on the right path. Welcome home.”
Written 6/12/20 for Regina Riddle's
Whisper to Me Contest