Love Poem: A Year To Remember Blessings 2021
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Written by: Edward Ebbs

A Year To Remember Blessings 2021

The year 2020 was a year of adjusting to new realities dealing with the pandemic. A pandemic that affected so many people in many ways.  This year is one of hope that the lessons of yesterday will become our blessings today.  

I am so grateful for my life which includes my loving wife and family. I have also been blessed with two dogs who greet me every day with wagging tails and sparkles in their eyes when I come home from work. They make me smile inside. 

I became more aware and thankful for all the things that surround me because of the pandemic.  This spring, the dandelions were the first flowers to stand out against the green grass, and I found them to be beautiful.  My heart was a bit sad when had to mow the lawn. 

The other colors this spring was truly amazing, especially the plants and flowers. There were animals that came to visit us, including raccoons, a mother deer, and her baby.  It was special to witness a skunk and a cat eating side by side from the food dish left by my wife. Yes, we feed all of these animals. 

Although we have a comfortable home, and a roof over our heads, and those creatures outdoors needed some help this year because of a drought. We installed a soaker hose on our fence dripping to the ground.  It was a blessing to witness all the different birds and animals searching for water to quench their thirst.  

We installed several hummingbird feeders and they are everywhere now. The hummingbirds have come to know us so well that they fly in front of our faces to chatter.  We have a water trough for the animals outside the fence around our house with a few feeders.

The drought this year was so severe that the plants were so oh very thirsty.  Thankfully, we are blessed with a well, allowing us to care for those things that needed our help.

Then autumn came, and there was an explosion of color. The leaves seemed to be extra brilliant this year.  The tree leaves chattered in the autumn breeze that ending our drought with rain.  

As Thanksgiving approaches, we experience moments when we feel overwhelmed by the blessings of our relationships, opportunities, and the beauty around us. We tend to express our feelings and share them during Thanksgiving, but we should always remember that this is not just about Thanksgiving day. We need to express these things everyday.

Edward J Ebbs - October 30, 2021