Love Poem: Abort
John Beam Avatar
Written by: John Beam


Prolicide bloody babies thrown in a bucket                                                                      to graphic you say it might offend                                                                               The shock is it is not the words                                                                                    but the actions of people who do so display                                                                     If an offensive I hope enough to abort prolicide                                                     Abortion was taboo criminal illegal for most of the world                                                   I hope it will be again but they just come up with new ways                                              to cover with new words such a bloody stay                                                                     Your parents had bodies too in your right to choose                                                       your not ready for a baby yet abstain                                                                           but consider murder a value to defend                                                                            If an offensive I hope enough to abort prolicide                                                         Weeping mothers and dads at the loss of a child                                                           while you stand for your freedom to commit homicide                                                 They are all children I cried for the loss of your child                                                        If they do not abort prolicide I will weep for those who display                                       Today I hope they repent for tomorrow when they reach the other side                               and face the truth the way and the life to least of my brethren done                                   It would better for them with hanging weight to be cast in the sea                                    than for one of these little ones in a bucket not knowing wrong or right                        covered by blood of the Lamb vengence is mine sayeth the Lord He will repay                   If an offensive I  hope enough to abort prolicide                                                             Today you can repent but tommorow with no where to run                                          what is your value of life