Love Poem: Aborted Mid-Flight
Emile Pinet Avatar
Written by: Emile Pinet

Aborted Mid-Flight

This trail of tearful words leads to a thought, follow its source, and you will find my heart. Love was the destroyer of Camelot, for Guinevere tore Arthur's heart apart when she took Lancelot as her sweetheart. Spontaneous love is often fickle, it's ubiquitous and yet elusive. When a laugh gets reduced to a tickle, superficial feelings turn abusive, for forced smiles are no longer conducive. Wishes and hopes can't get you to love me, I see it in your eyes; let's not pretend. It breaks my heart, but we're not meant to be, so this shambles of an affair must end; it's time I went back to being your friend. I had hoped my fantasy would come true, yet somehow, passion's flame failed to ignite. Although I will never stop loving you, Cupid's arrow was aborted mid-flight and, unfortunately, shot out of sight.