Love Poem: About me
aldo kraas Avatar
Written by: aldo kraas

About me

About me
 I am somebody special
That was made
By my father
With his holy hands
A long time ago
And also along
Time ago
My father had
Placed me to live
Here on earth
I love living on earth
My beautiful life
Every single day
I  care about
The way my friends
Love me
Also my friends
Are my family
I trust my friends
And I know that
There will be always
Around for me
Even when I am sick
I just don’t like
Being sick
I try to take good care
Of my health
Every single day
Also, was my father
That gave me the
Gift of health
I also never had
Ruin my health
I don’t smoke
At all friends
So I have healthy lungs
Also friends I never drunk
Any alcohol
Because that would destroy
My liver
Friends I also have
Healthy liver
I made a promise to me
That I will stay sober
Also friends I was born
A Christian
And I will also die
As a Christian
I am glad that
My friends have some
Respect for me
They respect my race
And religion
I am very happy about that