Absolute Love
I didn't see you there; hey!
I didn't expect you; but hey!
I almost lost hope for you; but hey there!
Like any other day,
I walked my usual path,
I was certain nothing unusual would happen,
These days have been more of a routine.
I did write about you;
And there you were;
You looked like you embodied all the 'good' in the 'good morning'.
And that smile, smiling at a stranger like that!
I knew I had lost when I saw the smile.
You said 'hello', and whatever followed after flew past me.
I know I gestured for you to repeat what you said;
Sorry, I was still locked in that smile.
All the love songs I had saved on my playlist flashed in my head at once.
I know it's an exaggeration; I know.
But that's how I felt when I met you.
Along the usual path, I found someone unusual.
It turned out you needed guidance to your destination.
While we talked, I shone in your eyes.
You found me just as I found you.
My absolute love was, and has been written.
I wrote about you before I met you,
And writing about you was just as beautiful as the wishes, and prayers that brought you to me.