Love Poem: Absolution
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


Once upon a time, in a land of heart There came a thundering desire, Even though God has set this one apart, Chosen them for service, love’s magnifier! When this heart realized their backsliding, They opened the bible, turning to the Son, Melted beneath the hand who was providing, Peace and love, grace that can’t be outdone! Once upon a time, in the land of fear, There came a sweet aroma, assuring me, Even when I don’t feel Him, He is near, Promising He will save to the highest degree! When this heart was backsliding, without hope, There came love that filled them to overflowing, Full of the spirit only He can provide to cope, Because there is sweetness in love, softly glowing! Once upon a time, this heart was failed and fallen, But when they looked to God, there was a solution, Since that day, reaching out to Him – all in, And even through the doubts, He offers absolution!