Love Poem: abusers and trolls smile too
Caren Krutsinger Avatar
Written by: Caren Krutsinger

abusers and trolls smile too

Some of the most charming people in the world
are trolls with mean dispositions they hide for months at a time
They like to date lively, joyful, women
These charmers are lovely; saying the right things
Tricking these women into falling in love with them
After they capture these women, they attempt to isolate them
Doing their best to keep them from their families and loved ones
Stating their friends are not “good enough” for them
Making fun of their woman if she wants to see her “mommy” or “sisters”
Beware of anyone who wants to isolate you.
They might smile, and you might have seen charm from them
But beware. Abusers and trolls smile too.