Love Poem: Across Realms
Roger  Roger  Avatar
Written by: Roger Roger

Across Realms

Across realms, I will venture 
I'll put my feet on nameless adventure 
I'll bear the rough and bumpy ride 
I'll dare the lash of storm and tide 

Space and time, I will transgress 
To show Selene my sweet caress 
I'll walk on Saturn's swirling plains 
I'll hike on moon's massive mountains 

I'll sail my ship on unnamed seas 
Across the borders of the galaxies 
I'll cross the bound of heaven and hell 
I'll charm sweet Venus with my spell

I'll breath the red hues of planet mars 
I'll flap my wings across the stars 
I'll trail through end of eternity 
To be with her is my serenity 

May 1, 2023

Pick-A-Title, Vol 36 - Poetry Contest (3rd place) 
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