Acrostic the Lines
Across The Lines
P agan mistletoe lies at the joyous heart of rendered Christmas
A postate nonconformists celebrate another legend of how the
G reat saviour surrenders to modern conception of the child in
A ccomplished reinterpretation of trinity from father son and
N on-disputable holy depiction of how to save a heartless planet
H e the half naked child in truth and demise speaks of love and
E ternity while reindeers green trees and Santa squeeze through
A n uncompromising chimney smoke screened double crossed
R evolutionary nevertheless worth upholding a sanguine message
T o having some guidance of what to promote what not to deny
R eason may question why we all need contemplation whether
E ndless death of unconquered sun and faithfully suffering son
V entures towards better world better guidance more kindness
I n yuletide's remembrance progression procession to feed our
S ouls protects what is missing so obviously in shrivelling spirits
I n earnest serenity I prose and propose feeling that surpasses
T he dogma of science where communion of Christians Hindus
E thereal Buddhists Jews and upholders of Christmas berries that
D eserves celebration where the end justifies meaningful means
25th November