Love Poem: Act 1
TJ  Samuels Avatar
Written by: TJ Samuels

Act 1

I think I deserve a ‘Best Actor’ award
For my performance as the Hopeless Romantic in the One Sided Lover
Although it’s more my life than a role
I was given a script but once I saw you I forgot my lines
You being the female lead that I was destined to fall for but never get
How cruel this production can be
They told me to act helpless
But I didn’t need to act
I was already helpless enough
Couldn’t get through those eye contact scenes without my mind blanking
“Cut! From the top, and for Godsakes remember your cue”

My cue?
Right this is a production
Nothing that happens here is real
We’re just characters on a screen
But are we?
Are my feelings for you not true?
But I can't lie that when I look into those eyes of yours
I feel like Jack from the Titanic
Sinking into icy waters
Let me rephrase that
Sinking under this immense pressure of professionalism that remains unspoken between us
I have to keep this act going just a bit longer

But can I?
Can I make it through my scenes without tripping up?
Can I remember my lines?
Will I be cut from the production?
Will this One Sided love story have room for two?