Activated Awakening
I feel you; your love caresses my skin…
I know you; remembering my many incarnations…
I see you in the glowing eyes…
Rapture from this spirit cleansed with your tears…
Why do we worry?
Why do we analyze?
Relax the breath; be revealed the surprise…
Illumination subsides lonely separation…
I realize… I realize… I realize…
You and I are one…
Emerging energy from loves womb…
Relinquish passing time; living infinity, wholly divinity…
I hear you in my mind…
Closing my eyes to gaze upon your face…
I summon your courage…
Your wise words offer me; within lays the power…
Transform your home earth place…
Shifting tides expose…
Our infancy has departed...
The rebirthing of reality is now…
I summon your ideal image…
Expansive growth; layered throughout the universe…
Invited embraces towards unknown future…
The mystery filled with simplicity; peace filled heart lived lives…
Awakens creative consciousness connection with all people…
Teaching reasoning; what I do for you I do for myself…
I love you so that I may love myself…
I am kind so I receive kindness…
I give so that I may receive…