Habits and powerful addictions,
like love for PositivEnergy,
are not Either
Yes, I am.
No, I'm not,
for most people
about most substances
and behaviors,
and choices.
Vices and virtues,
virtuous Sacred RightBrain Both/And recycling
and viciously reiterating LeftBrain secular Either/Or cycles
live somewhere midway
searching in-between
restoring LeftBrain trusting just resilience
with RightBrain ego-ecobalancing peace,
LeftBrain chemical addictions
overruling RightBrain sacred RealTime eco-love
of WinWin health-wealth resolutions
can be difficult TippingPoints
to kick
around only with weapons of LoseLose
dissonant anger
and disharmonic fear management
without co-ownership tools,
developmental experience
Without divinely extended harmonic balancing privileges
of Left-Right cooperative bicameral family support,
trust rooted in WinWin cooperative EarthClimate-ownership
and therapeutic ego with ecological political governance
for health management
and wealthy executive
Left with Right
ego/eco balancing
cooperative Yang/Yin functions
rooted in
matriarchal-wombed NewBorn experience.
PositivEnergy loving more quality
of SacredTime's co-present matriotic investment
and NegativEnergy Yang Patriarchal Addictions less:
Either Yes, I am LeftBrain losing
Or No, but I'm not not RightBrain winning health-wealth yet
Patriarchal Win/Lose Yang
without quite enough
Matriarchal transubstantiating YinYin
WinWin nature-spirits as
Both LeftBrain health, Yes
And RightBrain sacred wealth, Yes
Total Left with Right
Secular StrategicWonder
with Sacred OrganicAwe
cooperative healthyGame/wealthySystem co-integrity
Positiv/NegativEnergy BiCameral PolyPathic
AquaMarine/Green Climate Addictions
To cooperative habits of nature-spirit
identity ultra-violet non-violent empowering
Resilient Zero-DNA game/systemic
unfolding WinWin
refolding LoseLose
notnot Addictions.
Only health
and climates
and gods
and goddesses change,
the vast remainder of Time's sacred identities
stand reverently still in HereNow sacred Awe