Advice To Friends and Lovers
Truly do this dogs love bones
or haven't gotten a chance
to bite off some flesh
This toothless babies
consider breast milk the best
after many teeth grown, otherwise
Men do take shape of their situation
and carve a suitable shelf
to display their pitiable self
They're like greedy beggars
while offering them some notes
have thier eyes on your whole purse
Not all laughter are considered friendly
for the hyenas laugh and whine
while feasting on their prey
While they share your little mat
and proclaim love unbroken by time
they seek another's bed in their heart
Friends will always betray for profits
clinging to those who have more to give
than they who has less to offer
Do not be lost in friendship and love
for the light that comes too close
to the eyes, robs it of it's sight.