Ae You Coming Out of the Closet
Are You “Coming Out Of” Or “Going Into” The Closet?
Across this country, there’s more people
“coming out of the closet.”
Any sense of a Godly direction.
They’ve seemed to have “lost it.”
Often talking about their life. And are not ashamed…
Often bringing dishonor to God's holy name.
Perhaps “going back into the closet,”
is where you need to be.
And think for a minute….Where you’ll spend your eternity.
God is still God. He is righteous but also holy and just.
He asks all to give him our heart.
Our obedience. And trust!
Perhaps in the closet . A time of seeking God should be spent.
A time to have fellowship... A time to repent.
During this time, you can spend with God.
And HIM alone.
Asking him to bring peace,
hope and love into your home.
This closet can give you a “quiet time.” A time “to be still.”
A time to seek God. And to do his will.
May you allow your heart, toward HIM
to be yielded and broken.
And time to meditate on some of the
words that he’s spoken.
If it’s the closet that you truly want to come out.
You can tell everyone: ”Jesus IS what life is about!”
Allow HIM to cleanse and make you whole within…
As his blood cleanses you and takes away every sin!
Spending time with God… You’ll be glad you did.
His abundance and overcoming life… He’ll freely give!
God wants to be with you. By a “divine appointment.”
Experience his life changing power, and a GODLY enjoyment!
By Jim Pemberton 09/05/11