Love Poem: Africana


Africana, a poem that details the pre - colonial, colonial and post -colonial Africa, her rich history, struggles and  unique cultural heritage in a picturesque execution.

Africa will Rise Up Tall,Bold, and rule the Earth again
But first Africans must be Africans and more, not more and black.
           Mathew R, 2014.
                    initiator, AFRICANA - the movement ©


"Our forebears broke kola nuts 
And offered prayers
To the benevolent maker,

Whose name varied from one tribe to another.
They lived in peace and harmony."
This was way before
The meek white missionaries
Made landing on our shores.

They condemned our customs and traditions.
They said our ways were too primitive.
So they burnt down our shrines
And in its stead,
They gave us their three C's.
(Christianity, civilization and commerce)

These white saviours, in their glowing white robes Baptised our forebears
In the name of the Father, his Son and his Holy Spirit.
Whilst our fore-elders learnt how to pray,
They formed a government,
And on our natural Resources they preyed.

Albeit their government lynched our forebears.
In the church,
Both the oppressed and their oppressors
Screamed amen.
From two conspicuously separated rows;
The salvation bringers occupied the front seats
The back seats, sanctified for the blacks.
And they said their God was impartial.

They captured, tortured and shipped
Our forebears to the americas;
To work their cane plantations,
Cotton fields, paddy fields, sugar plants.
The unfortunate ones, thrown overboard
To swim Frank's ocean.

And many centuries after their first landing.
We, the descendants of former slaves,
Rose from our slumber 
And fought for Africa's uhuru.
This freedom many willingly laid down their lives...
And when at last, 
We were declared independence,
Our struggle for survival begun.

Godwin Henry Osaigbovo Pa Shakespeare