A t this PC windows my dear,
G lows a cute lady that glares,
N o webmaster have dared,
E ach time yahoo messenger is there,
S weet & cute "Agnes" bears.
I found a new love and inspiration right here.
L ost ideas and vibrations no where,
O h! Creator thanks for all cares,
V ents of mind that virtual world geared,
E go, dismay, surpassed out!
Y eah! L-O-V-E …reckons within,
O uch!.. sad memories...farewell!!
U tmost self understanding virtually gains.
V ent over those lonely days,
E ar, eyes, heart, which hurt more,
R egrets not though we're far apart,
Y outh and future we jointly carved.
M erry go round! my heart chased,
U nlikely to believe but drum beats,
C ome all ye and witnesseth.
H ow I care Tacloban, Leyte love cheers!