Aim High -The Pantoum Style
~Aim High~
Check the sky aim high and then just fly
There's so much you can do, achieve
Just set mind and focus today don't be shy
God has great plans for all your life, just believe
There's so much you can do, achieve
Don't let bad things get in your way
God has great plans for all your life, just believe
Sky's the limit don't ever quit, to God just pray
Don't let bad things get in your way
Just set mind and focus today don't be shy
Sky's the limit don't ever quit, to God just pray
Check the sky aim high and then just fly!
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~Author's Notes:
"The Pantoum" is a Malaysian verse form adapted by French poets and very occasionally imitated in English.The pantoum is a poetic form derived from the pantun, a Malay verse form: specifically from the pantun berkait, a series of interwoven quatrains. The pantoum is a form of poetry similar to a villanelle in that there are repeating lines throughout the poem.