Alanis, Sweet Princess
You are Love like a soft and laughing breeze
unfettered, loosed upon the salted palms
in winter benign and without freeze.
Beauty breathless of a January babe,
dancing, careless of the Sun that fills your face
yet left your doorstep to wander from its place…
…to embrace and carry you, enchantress,
now elevated from the drenched and marshy plains
to enthrall, and in your mountain home to reign.
Play upon the grassy foothills of a dream
in sunbeams, giggles, hopscotch and apricot trees,
your eyes and infant’s curls from afar to me gleam.
Sleep the sleep of innocence,
live the dream of bliss.
To you, my daughter, beloved Alanis,
I send this father’s kiss…