All Apologies
Should the demons thank me for this bounty of courage and livers?
Achilles and Alexander who were brought down by a
point steel and a goblet of silver.
I thought god rewarded the bold and the brave,
Moses who stood up to Ramses
and saved the Jews from persecution.
Aphrodite gave us the gift of lust and insanity,
both lead to one another.
Do you hate me still for my game of tight rope?
In this artificial facility of sterile unhappiness
how can I hope to cure my disease if it’s already killed me?
Is it wrong to yearn for her soft kisses and awkward smiles,
the redness of her hair that hides the pinkness of her cheeks?
What do I want from her, a kiss on the forehead, a handshake, or more?
Is it selfish to want more, her body?
No stop, don’t do this.
Forgive me please, they ripped you from your roots
and tried replanting you in infertile soil,
just as they did with me.
But you never took root and began to wither,
the wind blowing your petals away.
Sweet princess of the Mayan empire,
you stole my friend's heart and now he glistens with a glow.
My hands still have scars where I pressed too hard on the dry wall,
though your hate filled gazes pour rubbing alcohol into my wounds.
They say that those with dark hair and black eyes are kissed by midnight,
if so I’ve chosen a dangerous enemy.
I’m sorry Brenda.