All of You ....
We danced in the night
A room full of others where not there
They were but within the deepest of your eyes
I only saw you
Your arms around my waist
Your smile that covers me
A kiss that embraces my yearning
The want that wants
Your hands upon my face
As you lean towardss my lips
Your tenderness that drives passion
A whisper you whisper
I am complete
My pounding heart pounds
The pulse that pulses screams for you
A turning of two as souls twist into one
I am alive as our spirits dine
You that quenches my thirst
My need to feed upon your body
To feel the senses that only lovers can understand
I have searched a life time to find such pureness
A mate to share my spirit so free
A love that is deeper than most can imagine
My emotions are wild like fire through my veins
Your love is like roaring waves bathing my naked skin
I give myself to you
My soul fell inlove with yours
My mind craves yours
My spirit sings with yours
A love that fills my heart
It is all of you that has caputured my very being
All of you.....