Love Poem: All the Time

All the Time

All The Time

The pale dusted blue
Washes sunlight prances
Falls in its edges of heat and pristine shade
And I need you

Couples old and young
Hand in hand 
Arm in arm
Families pass on pavements baked by the sun
They smile
Like children on shoulders
Babies in push chairs
Ice cones melting
And I need you

And every form of tree and leaf
Wafted by salt sea breezes
They leap in their slow expression
Of life
As I need you

All around the sweet sounds live
Birds chirp
People talk
The wind whispers
And eyes witness behind sunglasses
And I need you

And far away the distances
Expanses open
Lay landscapes out beneath the sun
Busy streets
Car roofs shimmer hot and traffic
All happening in this moment
As I need you

Pretty women in their summer clothes
Sip their beauty from every mans eyes
And glide like angels loved by someone
And the world is happily
Curious in its ease
And I need you

And I rest in tension
Taut and unspoken
Quiet misnomer 
The wind catches me and dries the sweat on my brow
With a strangers face watching the world
As I miss you
The light falls
The shadows cosset
The gentle air wafts spent bracts of bougainvillea

The out laying pattern of life
Sends its everlasting messages out
And every second of time passes
In tiny frozen moments
And I need you

Nothing changes

Nothing replaces
