A duty of a gentleman is to gently place his lips upon the forehead on the face ---of a delightful Chosen One eyes of almond brown such as a lightly kiss the eye in the middle of a Chosen One she is who is committed On loan fromto the Father above Behold for she is called almond brown eyes because she's pictured beautiful she's from the Father above nurturer embracer complacent follower I'll beholder of all intangible yet adorny spiritual almond brown eyes Blessed upon her breast Life Giving She holds the womb to the children to come through from Heaven's or Dawn to the spirituaral/physical fallopian tube She's is almond brown eyes and she looks from her soul eyes of almond brown You can see the Father's work as you seeing her While she glows but she is a darling light His beloved child who's light so bright she who is almond brown eye Is be beyond blessed Alright