Love Poem: Alone, I Am a Lover On My Own
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Written by: J.W. Earnings

Alone, I Am a Lover On My Own

There is so much pain in the pleasure beyond measures…I need some kind of considerate cures…

I’m so coldhearted sometimes with my comments of plenty
But it not always feel uncomfortable and stressful — it’s also very bittersweet and makes me upset and cry, not for your pity
Hoping that you’ll save me from the abyssal adventures in the autumn breeze,
But then again, I must do this on my own and preserve love alone at blessed ease
So much whirling at dissereneful, chaotic realm of thought as it turns into the mid-crisis winter time sometimes
So many times I try to get you out of this tribulance, humid season that perturbs yesteryears as ancient as times

There is far too much pressure beyond measure
Is there a cure for me?
Is there a cure for me?
Cure me, cure me, cure me
Endure the struggle painlessly
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

I want you to understand
Where my airplane will land
Things are getting out of hand
It’s not so grand, not so grand

I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

I’m so coldhearted sometimes with my comments of plenty
But it not always feel uncomfortable and stressful — it’s also very bittersweet and makes me upset and cry, not for your pity
Hoping that you’ll save me from the abyssal adventures in the summer breeze,
But then again, I must do this on my own and preserve love alone at springtime ease
So much whirling at dissereneful, chaotic realm of thought as it turns into the mid-winter time sometimes
So many times I try to get you out of this tribulance that perturbs yesteryears as ancient as times

There is far too much pressure beyond measure
Is there a cure for me?
Is there a cure for me?
Cure me, cure me, cure me
Endure the struggle painlessly

I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

I want you to understand
Where my airplane will land
Things are getting out of hand
It’s not so grand, not so grand

I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

There is far too much pressure beyond measure
Is there a cure for me?
Is there a cure for me?
Cure me, cure me, cure me
Endure the struggle painlessly

I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

I want you to understand
Where my airplane will land
Things are getting out of hand
It’s not so grand, not so grand

I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
I Am a Lover on My Own 
The rest is unknown…

You’re gone and I miss you…
I have to forget you, so true
I must forgive the neglect you gave me extremely
I must let go of the grip you have on me tremendously
I hope you’ll see…my true purpose in reality and in my fantasy 
I was the lone lover with good intentions and motives of honesty

There is so much pain in the pleasure, but my heartfelt soul endures through the pressure