Love Poem: Along the Alley Wall
Carol Louise Moon Avatar
Written by: Carol Louise Moon

Along the Alley Wall

The street light serves me through the night
revealing street light shadow as my love strolls
the graveled alley where I live. The traffic sounds
are far away tonight at nine o'clock, and too,
the chime and charm of Old Church Bells.

The shadows of the peach and olive trees have
moved across the way within a setting sun.
Along the graying wall the flower bells stay
closed throughout the night, as well, the Four

I've learned to live within my means; I've taken
care to live without his love--the wedding bells
that never pealed, the way my life's been lived.

Tonight I wait to see his shadow cross the alley
wall.  It's nine o'clock--he's punctual still, just
the like a clock, and that's the way he lives his life--
our dreams alive in shadow.  The sound of door
bell never chimes... the silence of the night.