Always Still-
God is a gentleman
A gentle loving Father
He will ask you always still
Never force you into His righteousness His love
With aligned spirit He would
Gently whisper in your ear, always still
will you allow Himself to soften your heart
He will you allow Himself
To sweeten the part, always still
That the sour spot
Renew His heart He loan you
That you regurgitate, always still
You will you'll allow Him
To soften the stoned hardened heart
You will you allow Him to remove the Pains The strife, always still
Will allow Him to dissolve that which is not
Renewed The mind and Spirit rejuvenate the heart
And soul His love pumping nothing but love, always still
Virtuous juices holy spiritually filled you behold
A renewed Beauty a renewed heart
A renew mind you're His alone special, always still
Is the heart that becomes a new witness
With the love of God illuminating fires from The Father's Heart
Always Still
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2023