Alyssa's Dance
Alyssa danced in the center of the
empty historical ballroom.
Imagining suitors standing in line
for one more waltz around the artistic
ceramic tiled flooring.
Her dress, ivory full, swept the floor
as she turned and sauntered on
winged slippers.
Elegantly breathtaking… enchantress form;
mesmerized an onlooker athwart
the chamber.
His eyes fixed as she pirouetted to
a silent melody.
Observers gathering in amazement
as she tip-toed gingerly in a dance
with butterflies of her fancy.
Swaying her gracefully thin, delicate
arms above her head; back and forth,
hypnotized in herself.
Oblivious to tenacious eyes concealed
only in cracks of walls, Alyssa dances
ever so genial.
The onlooker from across the chamber
floor, hesitates to accompany her.
He walks towards her and slips his
wieldy arm about her torso.
Her eyes open and smile as her hand
falls leisurely into his cupped palm.
Simultaneously sliding, gliding,
Alyssa closes her eyes feeling his
heart pulse; radiating as one.
Tenderly, he pulls her close, wedging
their unfamiliarity.
Their eyes touch in an upheaving
embrace as if known forever.
Reticently they speak
-through Alyssa’s dance-
shared only in brevity of the moment
while an aristocratic minuet
stills the hush…
Copyright © 2008 By Caryl S. Muzzey
This was written for my granddaughter at my son and daughter-in-law's wedding. Alyssa
was five and pretended it was her wedding