Love Poem: Alzheimer Signs
Danetta Barney Avatar
Written by: Danetta Barney

Alzheimer Signs

All he knew was the moonlight shined brightly
Leading him into the woods all alone.
Zipping his blue jacket he wore nightly,
He carried his cane, with each step he groaned.
Ever so slowly he wandered away;
In his heart was a song from his childhood.
Memories and laughter would soon decay
Eager he rushed to the thick of the woods.
Rainfall muddied the old shoes on his feet,
Stopped him cold at first, he turned to look back.
Imprisoned in his mind he took a seat,
Grabbed his chest hearing a thundery crack
Now his loved ones discover him at last
Showing him the way home no question asked.

SONNET FORM #3 Acrostic Sonnet