Love Poem: Ambiance
John Gondolf Avatar
Written by: John Gondolf


The ambiance of her soft smile was felt
   by everyone as she walked in the room,
and somewhere deep within his mind there dwelt
warm thoughts of April meadows lush with bloom
      as air was sweet with scent of her perfume.

The ambiance he felt with her soft touch
   caused thoughts to stir so deep within his mind;
the possibilities of love and such,
and all the tender dreams he longed to find,
      he felt as heaven’s bodies seemed aligned.

The ambiance he heard in her soft voice
   as whispered words so gently touched his soul,
for him it seemed there was no other choice.
The feelings felt with nature’s soft cajole
      and deep within then nature took control.

The ambiance of love within her heart
   he felt with every subtle move she made,
revealing her desires right from the start;
and deep within he knew her thoughts conveyed,
      they soon would share a lover’s promenade.

May 11, 2024