Love Poem: Amelia
riqui velasquez Avatar
Written by: riqui velasquez


In the morning as I sit and watch you lay,
 in what seems to be a playful bliss.

My attention is quickly taken by your milky white skin.
Caressed by lotions and perfumed by oil.
Forever young you have stayed.

And what seems to be angel dust, gleaming like fireflies in the sunlight
 shines through the window and settles softly against the nape of your neck.

You move. Slightly so, but enough so what once covered your
 lower back gently slips away.
As if undisturbed by time, your curvature would indicated the
  absence of children.

You awake. With an inviting smile and a look familiar enough 
  not having to use words, I move in.....

in run the children.