Love Poem: Amor a La Mexicana - Love the Mexican Way
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Written by: Lucilla Carrillo

Amor a La Mexicana - Love the Mexican Way

Amor A La Mexicana - Love The Mexican Way Amor a la Mexicana, de eso te quiero Hablar. Nomas ven aqui tantito, veras que te va a gustar. Amor a la Mexicana - that is what it's all about. Amor A la Mexicana - that's love the Mexican way. That's just what I want to show you, just come a little bit closer and see what you are going to learn. We'll start with a little dinner and add a little spice. We'll dress it it up wth Tequila a Margarita, or two, then we'll dance to a little music, that a Mariachi band will play. Amor a la Mexicana, thats's love the Mexican way. Amor a la Mexicana, we will dance the night away...
04/23/2014 Written by Lucilla M.Carrillo