Love Poem: An Afternoon With Ts Elliott

An Afternoon With Ts Elliott

An Afternoon with T. S. Elliott

As I lay on the verdant grass at college 
under the Myrtle tree 
I am bathed and entranced by the dancing-dappled light 
That flickers above me through warm patchy autumn skies
And diamonds of light that sparkle on yellow green finger shaped leaves-

Autumn’s warmth softly caresses my uncovered feet 
It encourages me to slumber – until my gaze is mesmerized at
Two courting grey and pink Galahs perched in the branches above me 
As they caress each other- 

And above my head-even higher 
Two yellow/green/blue parrots playfully peck and groom 
Amidst a myriad of other bird calls 
From other birds that are hidden to my eyes- 

Then suddenly - I glimpse them - darting here and there playing
Catch-me-if-you-can - amidst the dappled rippling light that falls on 
Grey-brown branches 

I pause and ponder for a moment; I should be writing my assignment on T. S. Elliott; I think upon one of his lines...

" Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree!" T.S. Elliott

At last I hear God’s inviting voice; muted sounds on the wind- is this-
His voice-of Love?

Brenda V Northeast c 30/03/05 (Re write- 20/1/2012)