Love Poem: An Impossible Love
David Grasby Avatar
Written by: David Grasby

An Impossible Love

Searching in the dark
For the light
Hanging on by a thread
Wishing to be more
Not feeling alone
Seeking you
The one who understands me
Reaching for the stars 
Longing to believe you are out there
For me somewhere somehow
I need to be in your arms
I want to let go
Want to run free
In your world
A place I wish to call home
A welcoming smile
A giving hug
I need to be held
Told I except you
Not for my flaws
Not for my successes 
But  for me 
My brokenness My insercuties My Resillance 
Seeking Mrs your everything I need and deserve
The true definition of tranquility 
A love for our ages
A hand to hold 
A heart to lie next too
An impossible love for me.