Ancient Ones
Come to me O Ancient Ones
For I have missed you
Your presence fills me with
Light and joy
I hear you calling me in the night
Tendrils whispered
On the winds of time
I receive you with grace and humbleness
In awe of your spirit
Your keen glance says everything to me
I see into you...
All that you have been
Lifetimes of pain, evolution and
Ascension beckon me
Your winged form welcomes me
Carrying shamanic wisdom from realms revealed
Returning to carry me inward
To unimagined beauty
Towards the soul we all carry within us
That seeds, soothes and feeds
Our spirits
Your gifts unfold as I journey
To purple misty valleys
Surrounded with living mountains
Adorned with ancient relics
I am gifted with your knowledge
Of all things past
Being reborn in the now
Thank you for allowing me
To know what it means
To be truly human
Scars of woven life grace my body
My depth of consciousness is a gift
That allows me
To see the beauty in others
I reach my hands out to you .. all of you
Humans, animals, plants, and energy
To kiss you with my fingertips
For we are one
Energies of light stitched together
In such intricate grace
Gold cellular magnificence
Diamond heart beats that glisten on wave tips
Salty spray
Eyelashes dotted with sunrays
We are united in our humanness
Kissed by the goddess of the wind
Always and forever
In gratitude for this moment in time