Love Poem: Ancient Pose
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Written by: Michael F Lewis

Ancient Pose

First moonlight,
Lips buzzed
Numb with new kisses
And wine,
Salty crispy hibachi ribs,
And your authentic sex.
Eyes smiling in the silence,
Small talk, funny faces,
And the sound of the dawn asking for five more minutes
Over crickets and frogs.
And breath,
Taking in your presence in the glow of the porch light.
Eyes into eyes.
Lips on skin, again.

I was almost betrayed by the wind…

“Guard your heart from this poet.
It will be captured
And written into line and verse,
Then sounded back in a Siren's call,
Driven by careless waves,
And his relentless tide,
Into the black jagged stones
That will pierce your hardened hull,
And sink your pretty heart.

In time,
Such a beautiful coral,
To be admired in “ages hence”.
Still framed and frozen
In a moment of passion
When love was so new,
For the first time, again.
Innocence kept and renewed,
Your treasure preserved,
In depths
Only poets will dare to travel.”

You could have expired
With arms folded
In linen and soft hinges
And dropped in dark earth,
But you chose me,
Despite my words,
Despite the wind,
And for that,
Some new poet will be always thankful,
For those that have chosen wormwood
Will never be admired as you are now -

Newly discovered in an ancient pose,
  Outstretched arms reaching for the poet’s heart.
Such a beautiful coral,
I give up my breath and remain,
In the depth,
With you.

Michael F. Lewis